Tuesday, September 3

16:00 - Registration and Check-In

18:00 - Dinner

19:00 - Zhenan Bao, Stanford University, “Engineering skin-like soft electrical interface with biological systems”

20:00 - Welcome Reception

Wednesday, September 4

09:00 - Mark Akeson UC Santa Cruz, “Development and Implementation of Nanopore Sequencing”

09:40 - Rebecca Schulman, John Hopkins University, “Self-targeting nanofluidic and nanoelectronic interfaces to cell receptors.”

10:20 - Coffee Break

11:00 - Michael Strano, MIT, “Colloidal State Machines”

11:40 - Francesca Santoro, IIT-Tissue Electronics, “From device geometry to its operation: new frontiers for biomimetic cell-chip coupling”

12:20 - Lunch and Free Time (Box lunch if desired)

18:00 - Dinner

19:20 - Bernhard Wolfrum, TU Munich, “Nanoparticle-based electrochemical sensing”

20:00 - Susan Daniel, Cornell University, “Protein ion channel flux response measure with native biomembranes supported on electroactive polymer devices”

20:40 - Poster Session

Thursday, September 5

09:00 - Nicholas Melosh, Stanford University, “Brain Insertion mechanics and ultra-compliant neural interfaces”

09:40 - Jacob Robinson, Rice University, “Miniature, wireless bioelectronics by harvesting energy from magnetic fields”

10:20 - Coffee Break

11:00 - George Malliaras, University of Cambridge, “Implantable devices for electrophoretic drug delivery”

11:40 - Andreas Hierlemann, ETH Zurich, “CMOS-Based Microelectrode-Array Systems for Direct Interfacing with Electrogenic Cells”

12:20 - Lunch and Free Time (Box lunch if desired)

18:00 - Dinner

19:20 - Peder Olofsson, Karolinska Institutet Sweden, “Molecular Mechanisms in Neural Regulation of Inflammation”

20:00 - Jennifer Gelinas, Columbia University, “Conformable organic electronics for neurological disorders”

21:00 - Poster Session

Friday, September 6

09:00 - Mark Reed, Yale University, “Nanofluidic Ionic Devices”

09:40 - Ana Arias, UC Berkeley, “Reflectance oximetry enabled by flexibile organic array of printed devices”

10:20 - Coffee Break

11:00 - Eric Glowacki, Linköping University, “Organic optoelectronic biointerfaces - photocapacitive and photofaradaic effects”

11:40 - Yoeri van de Burgt, Eindhoven University of Technology, “Organic Electronic Materials for Neuromorphic Computing and Adaptive Biointerfaces”

12:20 - Free Time (Box lunch if desired)

18:00 - Dinner

19:00 - Poster Award Winner Talks

21:00 - Farewell Reception

Saturday, September 7

08:00 - Breakfast